Friday 10 April 2015

Me, My Strength & Weaknesses

     Alhamdulillah, tanggal 01 November 1993 , saya telah dilahirkan oleh seorang wanita yang kuat, gagah dan perkasa. Si Jantung Hati saya, Puan Saliha. Hero Hati saya Encik Yahya .Thanks mom . Thanks dad . I miss and love both of you .

Allright, to all the blog reader,
Actually, tonight i want to share about my plans for my future. Eh ! Future husband? we will talk later okay ^_-  Bukan senang tau orang nak sharing their own dreams yang mungkin "Angan-anganku musnah " or maybe menjadi . Who knows? But, please at least you have your own goals that you want to achieve in your life .

23th March 2006 ,saya di tingkatan 1 SMK Kampung Selamat. My father passed away and at that time i didn't know anything except cry , cry and cry again . I just follow the flow until i had finished my secondary school . Sementara tunggu result keluar, I find a part-time job, at least i can find an experience on how to get my own money.

Starting Mac 2012, at that time I am Diploma In Banking Student Semester 1 at UiTM Arau. I felt something that sampai bila nak susahkan mak ? Sampai bila nak susahkan family? So i thought that i need to be independent. Yes , i need !
It is doesn't matter if you just think but not try to achieve it . It's like a worst thing .

haa.. see ? " A goal without a plan is just a wish" . So, because of i don't want my goal terkubur layu di tasik madu then I make a plan . At that time, salah satu idea yang terlintas di otak sebesar dua penumbuk ni adalah berniaga. Berniaga perlukan modal . Haa.. mana pulak nak cekau modal nak bukak perniagaan dalam keadaan tidak bekerja dan masih seorang pelajar. Selamat lah ada duit gaji kerja part time sebelum ni . So, I use that money to open my new business a.k.a my own business. Own business lah sangat kan?

Serious , at that time I have no confidence that these business can success . But, never mind . I need to take this as a challenge . Berjaya ke gagal ke belakang kira because i must go forward to get my goals. So I plan a strategies on how to get my own customer , how to achieve my own target market and also how to make a profit. 

01 Mei 2012 , i start run my online business , Bismillah.. 

Alhamdulillah, what i was planned, menjadi . yes ! 
And until now i'm still run my own business di atas nama syarikat saya sendiri yang telah didaftarkan di bawah Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) - UMARAISY Enterprise

Walaupun dulu , I just the only person that run this business but now i have 10 out of 12 agent yang active in my business . 

The best part is all of my family is start to involve in business . I'am  so happy . Semuanya bermula daripada UMARAISY Enterprise. I have 8 sibling and im the youngest . But , I am not a "MANJA" person yang sikit-sikit nak mengadu, sikit-sikit nak kan attention , sikit-sikit itu dan ini. Eh! hello, please jangan sesekali label kan anak bongsu macam tu tau . It's totally wrong. Memang ada yang manja, not at all .

Cinta hati pertama Yahya Saliha .She is the one of my strengthens.
Seorang wanita seperti Mak yang kuat bekerja , rajin dan segalanya lah same like Mak. Dulu seorang  Lawyer Perumahan dan kini dah tak makan gaji but dia yang bagi gaji dekat pekerja. She have run their own business Butik Curtain House yang menapak di Padang Serai, Kedah.

Cinta hati kedua . I hate this guy. He is always treat me like a baby. I am stronger than you lah :P I can do everything okay. *Ecehh, belagak*  Even I hate her ,but deep in my heart I love you lah bro :* . Seorang pendidik a.k.a Pensyarah Multimedia di Institut Latihan Perindustrian Nibong Tebal and also have their own part-time business in field of Photographer, Videographer and Editor. 

Cinta Hati Kembar . Kalau seorang demam, lagi seorang mesti akan demam jugak. ouch, cute *_* This twins is a bearer of happiness. Both of them can make me laugh but kalau time gaduh it's like attract me to join them fighting.

Cinta Hati ke 6. He's a generous man. He's not 'tangkai jering'. Bank utama kepada adik bongsunya 
>_< It's okay, Rezeki abang lagi banyak nanti datang, amin. 

Cinta Hati Handsome Yahya Saliha. He is always ask my mom,"Mak, mana Acu", even ada ja sebenarnya depan mata. -_- 
He love sport car and I pun love juga. For the 1st time drive kereta Turbo, aisehmenn Feel Bro :* . The feel is totally different, the noisy car engine can make feel something err it can't explain :D Try it and you will feel it by your own. Someone sporting.

Cinta Hati Terakhir Yahya Saliha.

Alhamdulillah, that is a little bit story about my self and my family background.

MY FUTURE PLANNING for next 5 years is to be a businesswomen . I want to be a successful businesswomen that have one boutique fashion with my own design with having two worker to handle all the thing in the boutique and I am the boss that handling all the things in administration . I am the boss okay ! ( planning kena gempak! HAHA ) .

** I can motivate myself.
** I am a good listener.
** I am good in giving an advice.
** I am 'sabar' person.
** Open minded.
** Murah Hati and Senyuman.

** I am not good in speaking in English.
** Sometime I like to waste my time with unnecessary things.

Okay that's all. 

1 comment:

Azfa said...

You GO Girl!!!