Thursday 23 April 2015


Entry for today is about SAVING . Saving on what? Of course, money , money , money and money .

Assalamualaikum ,

Let me tell you about the definition of Saving . According to Keynesian economics, saving is the amount left over when the cost of the person's consumer expenditure is subtracted from the amount of disposable income that he or she earns in a given period of time or "SAVING" in Malay is SIMPANAN .

For student macam saya, confirm duit dah habes banyak untuk itu dan ini . Bukan tak saving langsung kan, but the value saving is not enough . Arghh! Stress kan ! Now, baru lah sedar lagi banyak saving , lagi banyak benefit sebenarnya. For student, Saving memang penting, so SAVING lah ^-^

Let's see the top seven reasons to save money:

It is important to have emergency fund set aside to cover unexpected expenses such as a sudden job loss and also unexpected car repair. So , this saving will help us to cover the emergency problem.

Another important reason to save money is your retirement. The sooner you start saving for retirement, the less you will have to save in the future.

A third reason to save money is for a down payment on a house. Your negotiating power goes a lot farther when you have a significant down payment towards your home. You will receives better interest rates, ad be able to afford a bigger home. You can determine how much you save towards this each month depending on your circumstances.

A fourth reason is to save money is to have fun. You can save up for your tour of Europe or that Caribbean cruise. Additionally you can be saving for fun large ticket items such as Playstation 3 or a new boat.

A fifth reason is to purchase a car with cash. You will be amazed at how much money you can free up in your budget if you do not always have a car payment. You can also negotiate the price of the car much lower if you are willing to pay cash at the dealership.

A sixth reasons is to set up your sinking funds. A sinking fund is money you set aside for future repairs or improvements on your car, home or other possessions. This planning can help you to stop dipping into your emergency fund every time you need to fix your car.

A seventh reason to begin saving money is for your future education. Each year more people return to school to earn their masters or doctorate degrees. You may also consider saving for your child's education when the time comes.

Untuk membuat SIMPANAN, we need to know the ways to save money. There are two parts which is :


1.Pay yourself first. The easiest way to save money rather than spending it is to make sure that you never get a chance to spend the money in the first place.
2.Avoid accumulating new debt.
3.Set reasonable saving goals.
4.Establish a time-frame for your goals.
5.Keep a budget.
6.Record your expenses.
7.Start saving as early as possible.


1.Spend money on absolute essentials first.
2.Save for emergency fund.
3.Pay off your debt.
4.Put away money next.
5.Spend on smart non-essentials.
6.Spend on luxuries last.

okay, that's all. TQ ^_-

Wednesday 15 April 2015


Hello boys .
Hello girls .
Hello mommy .
Hello daddy .
Hello hubby , opss !!

Assalamualaikum , tonight is about TIME .

How you manage your time? How I manage my time? How we manage our time ? The answer is 'tanya hati, jawab sendiri' :) .

Different type of people , different ways on how to manage their time . kan?

Same goes to me , I also have my own way in manage my time.

Okay . Jom flashback sikit apa yang aku buat semalam nih .

I have wake up from my bed, take a bath and perform Solah then suddenly tertidur err konon tidur dalam iman.

Then terjaga at 8.00 AM , i feel like a good person sebab bangun-bangun dengan bertelekung, I thought that if my mom know about this confirm dah kena tarik telinga. Garang much . Bangun and take a bath again, eh ! ini bukan pembaziran air, ini demi kesegaran diri . 

Yesterday , I didn't have a classes until 2.00 PM . So, i had prepared my self to go to the library to study with my friend at 8.30 AM until 12.30 PM .

Then go back to my home , time for cooking >.<

1.30 PM , mandi , perform Solah then go to the class FIN533, Madam Hasni ( 2.00 PM -4.00 PM ) and class QMT425, Sir Razak ( 4.00 PM - 6.00 PM ) .

After the class, i and my friend go to perform Solah Asar before go to the meeting at Dewan Sarjana 1 . 

7.00 PM , meeting end .

Go back to my home prepared for Solah Maghrib then wait for Isya' and time to rest ^.^ until 9.45 PM.

Start to open my book , do assignment FIN538 at 10.00 PM until 11.00 PM .

Akibat keletihan, diriku rebah tidur pada jam kemudian . Konon macam kelas direct 12 hours . Buat teqok orang utara kata. Terok tak terok , it's up to me because it is my way to manage my time .

And TODAY, 15/04/2015 i realize ..
I realize that i'm not manage my time well .

For now, as a student i have my goals or important thing to focus which is STUDY , but yesterday i had wasted my time with unnecessary things than important things .

So , i need to AUDIT MY TIME . yeah! I need to manage my time well !

Wake up at 6.00 AM take a bath, perform Solah Subuh and mengaji Al-Quran .

7.00 AM prepared my self for the class 8.00 AM until 6.00 PM .

7.00 PM prepared myself for Solah Maghrib and Isya'  .

Start study at 9.00 PM until 11.00 PM .

Sleep at 12.00 PM .

Yes, i need to manage my time well and focusing on my important things in my life which is STUDY and STUDY.

What about my free time??

I think i'm good in manage my free time . I always focus on my business which is I plan a strategies on how to maintain my sales, my promotion and my goals . But, sometime bosan-bosan , layan jap movie hindustan, 3 Idiots (my favourite hindustan movie :D) . So, my free time diisi dengan focusing on my business. It's all about business. ecewahh !

thats all :* thanks .

Friday 10 April 2015

Me, My Strength & Weaknesses

     Alhamdulillah, tanggal 01 November 1993 , saya telah dilahirkan oleh seorang wanita yang kuat, gagah dan perkasa. Si Jantung Hati saya, Puan Saliha. Hero Hati saya Encik Yahya .Thanks mom . Thanks dad . I miss and love both of you .

Allright, to all the blog reader,
Actually, tonight i want to share about my plans for my future. Eh ! Future husband? we will talk later okay ^_-  Bukan senang tau orang nak sharing their own dreams yang mungkin "Angan-anganku musnah " or maybe menjadi . Who knows? But, please at least you have your own goals that you want to achieve in your life .

23th March 2006 ,saya di tingkatan 1 SMK Kampung Selamat. My father passed away and at that time i didn't know anything except cry , cry and cry again . I just follow the flow until i had finished my secondary school . Sementara tunggu result keluar, I find a part-time job, at least i can find an experience on how to get my own money.

Starting Mac 2012, at that time I am Diploma In Banking Student Semester 1 at UiTM Arau. I felt something that sampai bila nak susahkan mak ? Sampai bila nak susahkan family? So i thought that i need to be independent. Yes , i need !
It is doesn't matter if you just think but not try to achieve it . It's like a worst thing .

haa.. see ? " A goal without a plan is just a wish" . So, because of i don't want my goal terkubur layu di tasik madu then I make a plan . At that time, salah satu idea yang terlintas di otak sebesar dua penumbuk ni adalah berniaga. Berniaga perlukan modal . Haa.. mana pulak nak cekau modal nak bukak perniagaan dalam keadaan tidak bekerja dan masih seorang pelajar. Selamat lah ada duit gaji kerja part time sebelum ni . So, I use that money to open my new business a.k.a my own business. Own business lah sangat kan?

Serious , at that time I have no confidence that these business can success . But, never mind . I need to take this as a challenge . Berjaya ke gagal ke belakang kira because i must go forward to get my goals. So I plan a strategies on how to get my own customer , how to achieve my own target market and also how to make a profit. 

01 Mei 2012 , i start run my online business , Bismillah.. 

Alhamdulillah, what i was planned, menjadi . yes ! 
And until now i'm still run my own business di atas nama syarikat saya sendiri yang telah didaftarkan di bawah Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) - UMARAISY Enterprise

Walaupun dulu , I just the only person that run this business but now i have 10 out of 12 agent yang active in my business . 

The best part is all of my family is start to involve in business . I'am  so happy . Semuanya bermula daripada UMARAISY Enterprise. I have 8 sibling and im the youngest . But , I am not a "MANJA" person yang sikit-sikit nak mengadu, sikit-sikit nak kan attention , sikit-sikit itu dan ini. Eh! hello, please jangan sesekali label kan anak bongsu macam tu tau . It's totally wrong. Memang ada yang manja, not at all .

Cinta hati pertama Yahya Saliha .She is the one of my strengthens.
Seorang wanita seperti Mak yang kuat bekerja , rajin dan segalanya lah same like Mak. Dulu seorang  Lawyer Perumahan dan kini dah tak makan gaji but dia yang bagi gaji dekat pekerja. She have run their own business Butik Curtain House yang menapak di Padang Serai, Kedah.

Cinta hati kedua . I hate this guy. He is always treat me like a baby. I am stronger than you lah :P I can do everything okay. *Ecehh, belagak*  Even I hate her ,but deep in my heart I love you lah bro :* . Seorang pendidik a.k.a Pensyarah Multimedia di Institut Latihan Perindustrian Nibong Tebal and also have their own part-time business in field of Photographer, Videographer and Editor. 

Cinta Hati Kembar . Kalau seorang demam, lagi seorang mesti akan demam jugak. ouch, cute *_* This twins is a bearer of happiness. Both of them can make me laugh but kalau time gaduh it's like attract me to join them fighting.

Cinta Hati ke 6. He's a generous man. He's not 'tangkai jering'. Bank utama kepada adik bongsunya 
>_< It's okay, Rezeki abang lagi banyak nanti datang, amin. 

Cinta Hati Handsome Yahya Saliha. He is always ask my mom,"Mak, mana Acu", even ada ja sebenarnya depan mata. -_- 
He love sport car and I pun love juga. For the 1st time drive kereta Turbo, aisehmenn Feel Bro :* . The feel is totally different, the noisy car engine can make feel something err it can't explain :D Try it and you will feel it by your own. Someone sporting.

Cinta Hati Terakhir Yahya Saliha.

Alhamdulillah, that is a little bit story about my self and my family background.

MY FUTURE PLANNING for next 5 years is to be a businesswomen . I want to be a successful businesswomen that have one boutique fashion with my own design with having two worker to handle all the thing in the boutique and I am the boss that handling all the things in administration . I am the boss okay ! ( planning kena gempak! HAHA ) .

** I can motivate myself.
** I am a good listener.
** I am good in giving an advice.
** I am 'sabar' person.
** Open minded.
** Murah Hati and Senyuman.

** I am not good in speaking in English.
** Sometime I like to waste my time with unnecessary things.

Okay that's all. 

Thursday 9 April 2015

Kembali Senyum

Assalamualaikum . Dah lama stop update blog, okay today baru start balik jenguk tanah usangan yang telah di anaktirikan hampir berbulan-bulan lamanya . Di atas permintaan my gorgeous lecturer Madam Azfahanee , okay saya turutkan segala permintaanmu Madam ^_-

In sha Allah , saya akan start balik update all my customer feedback #umaraisyent dan update item-item yang available dalam #umaraisyent. Tapi buat masa sekarang clearance stock sedang dijalankan dan in sha Allah dengan izinNya, kami akan keluarkan new item hujung bulan 5 atau awal bulan 6 . Wait yeah !

keep in touch with us :
page: UMARAISYenterprise
Instagram : @umaraisyent

Masih menerima tempahan jahitan manik untuk baju tunang,veil tunang, veil nikah dan flower crown . Make sure buat tempahan awal okay? no last last minute. Nanti kang tak sempat siap kang, tak dapat den nak nolong . ok Bhoiii .